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If you are here it is not via our website. This is a draft page only and strictly not available to the public

This private service will only be available once the Pacific Engagement Visa (PEV) is in place. It is not a government program. The PEV program is run by the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade and we are not authorised to act on their behalf and make no such representation.  Information about the PEV is available on the Department of Foreign Affairs And Trade website here.


DFAT will offer pre-departure services. Our program is an additional private service available to people at a fee. (A very reasonable and affordable one though!)


We help individual’s and families who are successful in the Pacific Engagement Visa ballot and qualify to apply for a Pacific Engagement Visa.


This includes helping you find an appropriate job in Australia.


Once successful in the application, we then provide comprehensive pre-departure services to ensure you are best prepared for life in Australia before even getting on the plane. This includes introductions to people in Australia who will help you when you arrive. And could include other community groups from your home country in Australia (diaspora), church groups, sporting groups and other relevant professional associations.

We are not a one size fits all solution and we are not a fly in and fly out service. Our consultants are all locals and have cultural understanding of your situation. 

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Once you and your family are settled in Australia we also provide ongoing support services. This ensures you always have someone that you can call on, providing you with a familiar service when setting up in a totally new place.


Our services include, introductions to relevant community groups and access to professional groups like accountants and financial advisers who assist in making your financial affairs easier to handle.



Offshore/In Country

Assist applicants in the Pacific Engagement Visa process

Help applicants find appropriate job opportunities and facilitating the process

Training and education on access to medical and healthcare services in Australia

Cross-cultural awareness

Introduction to local diaspora and sporting bodies

Cross-cultural awareness

AUD bank account establishment, phones etc., ATO/Tax file/ Super requirements.


Ongoing support

Financial advice

Tax advice and returns

Cashflow and budgeting - sending money back home

Streamline access to recognised community networks

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